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Grape tomatoes

Bite sized, super sweet, Crisp snap, and finishes Better than a fine cabernet

The snacking tomato that tastes so good you may feel guilty eating it...

Here's a three step program to enjoying a delicious, healthy snack that will fit right into whatever diet de jour you are rocking these days. 

STEP 1: Pop the lid on the clamshell and run some water on over the fruit.

STEP 2: This is a little tricky.  Gently shake the excess water off the clamshell like a dog coming in from the rain. Wait, did we tell you to turn off the tap. Damn, well we did warn you this was the "tricky" step.

STEP 3: Enjoy the bite sized, super sweet tomatoes. It'll be like a party in your mouth!


Warning: Inserting too many bite sized tomatoes into your mouth at one time may cause a choking hazard. If you find yourself eating our grapes for more than four hours, please go back to the store and buy more.